The Scandinavian Review is a semi-annual journal published by the American-Scandinavian Foundation. It is printed three times a year. Under Walter Bernard’s design direction, I produced six issues. Although this was a publication had a refined, traditional aesthetic and strict style guidelines, it was great testing the boundaries of what could be done within the established rules of this 6×9 page.
Scandinavian Review
How do we produce a periodical on a small budget?
Editorial Design, Art Direction
Opening spreads with illustration
Opening spreads with photography
This publication was my very first experience art directing and designing a niche journal and it remains one of my favorite projects. It taught me how to work within a small editorial team, how to source high-quality art on a low budget, and how to make the most of supplied images.
Plus, as with all editorial design, it was just a pleasure to read the articles; learn about an unfamiliar culture; and then to try to present these stories with care.